Photography for the Visual Arts

with Lauren Gibson | Studio Di Sarlo

About Visual Arts Photography Projects

Designed for Arts Organizations, Museums, and Galleries

Arts-Focused Projects are ideal for museums, galleries, and arts organizations with a need to capture impactful, artistic photographs of their curated works in context of your space. I leverage my experience and passion for street and architectural photography to informs my work, capturing stunning scenes of visual art in physical context. My goal is to capture a series of artistic images that connect the beauty of the space itself with the collection on display, with photographs that transport the viewer envision their future visit to your collection. 

At the end of our project, you will have a suite of images to use for promotional, marketing, and proposal efforts; and usage on your website and your social media spaces.

*These projects can be tailored for arts-focused events (receptions, fundraisers, artist talks, etc).

Visual Arts Photography Project Details

Designed for Arts Organizations, Museums, and Galleries

1. Pre-Production Virtual Planning Session

  • To define your photography project goals and key shot list.

2. On-Location Photography Session(s)

3. Post-Production image retouching

4. Deliverables:

  • Digital Photographs: High-resolution, edited images (JPGs), sized for your website and for social media use.

  • Image Usage Licensing: time-bound digital image usage license for your website, organic social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing efforts; and print usage licensing for marketing and fundraising in your local market.

Average Project Budget: $1,000 - $2,500

Each project is customized and sized to fit your needs.

This budget range does not include travel costs and per diem.

About Individual Artist Mini Photography Projects

Designed for Individual Artists: Exhibitions | Studio Space | Art Installations | Documentation of Finished Works

My Visual Artist Photography Projects are exclusively for individual artists looking to have your installation or exhibition work photographed and documented. My goal is to learn about you and your art practice, and to create compelling photographs that convey your artistic voice.

At the end of our project, you will have a suite of images to use for your portfolio, future promotional and proposal efforts (digital portfolio, grant proposals, calls for artist responses, etc), and usage on your website and your social media spaces. I will photograph you interacting with your artwork, as well as your work in the context of the space.

Individual Artist Mini Project Details

Designed for Individual Artists: Exhibitions | Studio Space | Art Installations | Documentation of Finished Works

1. Pre-Production Virtual Planning Session

  • To define your photography project goals and key shot list.

2. One Half-Day Photography Session (4 hours)

3. Post-Production image retouching

4. Deliverables:

  • Digital Photographs: High-resolution, edited images (JPGs), sized for your website and for social media use.

  • Image Usage Licensing: digital image usage licensing for use on your website, social media, marketing emails, digital marketing, portfolio, calls for artists, grant applications, etc.

Project Rate: $500

This half-day rate is exclusive to individual artists looking to document their work at a single location.